martes, 26 de octubre de 2010

Chilean Miners

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The last two months the world's eyes were setting in Chile, because 33 miners were trapped underground at San Jose mine around 700 m. They got trapped when a rock above them colapsed.

At the begining when the world recived the news everybody was thinking about the hard and complicated wokk that would be to rescue them (almost impossible), I remember when the rescue operation's chief said "to rescue them alive is going to be so difficult and it will take around 4 months", that was the scenario on Agust 5th. It was a tragedy history but soon it became to a faithful history, because the miners were working for surviving, the government and the society were working togther in order to rescue them, alot of people was praying, and we saw when we are working for a common goal and don't pay attention about our differences we could achive the most difficul or impossible goal and transform it in a miracle.

They had lack of resources, but they know how to use those resources and work as a good team, we should learn from them and start working together for finishing a lot of problems that we have as society, like the public safety, that is not only the government liability it si also ours.

lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010

Yesterday: Overalls/ Today: Suits

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What happened in Chile 14 days ago for a lot of people meant a miracle. A group of 33 miners survived a 2-month challenge trapped 600 meters underground in Atacama Desert. But, are miracles real?

This tough experience for the group of 33 miners probably is the best thing that could ever happen to them.  After the group was rescued they came back to reality together with fame.

A $500 dollar pair of Oakley sunglasses and 1,188 job offers were one of the many surprises waiting for each miner at the top.  Vacations, free tickets to Real Madrid and Manchester United matches, trips to Graceland, football signed shirts, book and movie proposals are one of the many deals for each man.

I believe that waiting under a mine for 2 months, making 33 new friends, getting to be on TV and being rescued by the president of your nation; WAS DEFINITELY WORTH IT.

Anna B.

Chilean Miners

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How was possible to rescue 33 miners in Chile, but in Mexico nobody survived to the Pasta de Conchos mine disaster?

First, I can't believe how 33 miners stood the warm during 2 months underground, with scarce resources like some tuna cans, water and some others. Some miners were ready to die, because being " in the hole" is not easy as the people think about the situation. The incident is the proof that working as a team, the reward is as much bigger as you think, like this case, the opportunity of living again with their families and the sooner intervention of the authorities too.

If you analyze the Mexican situation as the mine Pasta de Conchos in Nueva Rosita, Coahuila,  where nobody survived to that catastrophe because the government didn't act on time and the consequences of the missing intervention was proved with the death of the mexican miners, but as we know in Mexico nobody is the guilty for some accident and everybody is avoiding the payment of everything.

The Chile government established that is going to check if the owner of the mine took care about the security methods for the miners, and if he don't, applying the law with strict punishments and/or pay the medical services for the 33 miners because it is a risky job and their lives was in some point so close to the death.

Why did the articles from the chillaean miners became so visited?

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During the past weeks, we have beeen listening and seeing  the newspaper a lot of information constantly updated, about this 33 men that have been relased about a week ago, after have been traped for more than 60 days.
I think that it is natural that people tend to support each other in circumstances where the participation of citizens is required, the new was spread easily because of the new technologies to obtain information, and it kept the people interested because of the particular level of uncertainty.
Miners have obtained fame and excellent offers to publish the things that they have lived or to obtain interviews about their thoughs, and feelings after this, I think that certainly their lifes have changed; the disaster in the mines now is compared with the accident of the survivers in the alpes, because of the publicity it has obtained; it has been mentioned that a book might be written by one of the miners, and that they have spoken about an arrangement about what can be told or written, and what would be kept away from the comunication media, also there are rumors about a movie that captures the conditions in which miners work.
I think people show interested because is a topic we all feel certain kind of connection, we all were expecting they can be relased, and at the end it is a intersting story to tell and even more because it is real.

Alejandra P.

Chile Miners

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Being more than 2 months underground must be tough and difficult. In my opinion, each and every miner down there were quite brave for the task of surviving that long time.

Why brave? You could ask me. Well, following orders may seem easy, but following orders that change your lifestyle is somewhat difficult. The miners had to change their way of living in order to be ready for the time they were going to exit the underground trap, and also what they ate, their eating habit needed a change, so they could distribute correctly the food for everyone.

Yes, it sound as a piece of cake matter, but what happens when you get isolated from the world? During isolation a person can get mental problems, like hallucination and getting crazy or something like that. Any mental problem could have been a serious problem for the survival of the whole group.Why? The reason is because these kind of behaviors can be contagious, fear can move as a virus and create destruction in a group of people.

For their fortune, there were specialists on this matters down there. Surely various of the miners needed help for  their psychological problems.

What surprises in the end is the cooperation from everyone, and by everyone I mean everyone in the underground and everyone in the upper part of the Earth. Outsiders and insiders helped each other and worked like a single being, in order to search the well-being of everyone. These kind of situations is what unites everyone, the common objective.

I am happy that the miners could get out of the hole and rejoin with their familiars. Also, happy for the mutual cooperation of everyone near the Chilean miners for their rescue.

Ramiro V.

The uncertain future of Chilean´s miners

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After the incident in which we already know and according to the psychological consequences that miners could have as cindy said I would like to comment the plans that government and Chile has for its miners, Book and movie deals are expected which could be the reason for their reluctance to share information.

Rescued miner Victor Segovia took notes that could become a manuscript about the experience. And stated that they are going to publish a book they have an outline with 33 chapters based on what Victor kept.

The formerly-trapped workers have been showered with job offers and gifts, including free vacations to Jamaica, the Greek isles and Elvis Presley's Graceland mansion, as well as invitations to European soccer matches.

One of the miners Ticona, had a heartbreaking situation his third child, "Esperanza", or Hope, was born while he was trapped below. He and others released from the hospital were showered with confetti as they arrived home on Thursday and Friday to jubilant cheers of family and friends.

Jamaica invited the miners, their spouses and the rescuers who brought them out of the mine to all-expenses paid vacations on the Caribbean island. Edison Pena, an Elvis fan and the 12th miner to reach the surface in Wednesday's rescue, received an invitation to visit Graceland in Memphis, Tennessee.

So far theirs has been a remarkable story of perseverance in the face of unimaginable adversity. The 33 miners have assumed different roles and structured their daily lives around specific tasks to maintain a semblance of normality. They’ve also been able to talk to loved ones, send letters and even enjoy video of a live soccer game and in the case of Ticona they had the recording of the birth of his daughter, Esperanza.

domingo, 24 de octubre de 2010

We are out… now what?

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A little bit less than 3 moths ago, 33 Chilean miners got trapped in a mine after this one collapsed. They were stuck in there for more than two months just waiting to be saved, waiting to see their families, waiting to continue with their lives, waiting to get out. After drilling a path into the cave where they were, every miner got out of there alive. Chile was in joy, the struggle of the miners of staying alive had finally ended; they came out and saw life again. But what will happen after this? Will their life goals remain the same after facing death? Will they quit working for the mine industry or will they take this accident as a way of a higher commitment to their job?
In my opinion the miners should live their lives to the fullest, take this experience as a wake up call. Life can end in a blink of an eye so fight for your dreams, reach your goals, live your life.

Luis N.