domingo, 24 de octubre de 2010

The Chilean Miners

The Chilean miners were really lucky to come aout of the mine alive.  After 2 months of being trapped, they were finally rescued and they could finally been reunited with thier families.  In my opinion rescuers' work was fast and presice, all the work they did was really well calculated and timely. 
The only thing a don't like, is that the owner of the mine knew about the problem and did nothing; he didn't pay attention to the miners when they told him that something was wrong.  He was only thinking on making money and he didn't cared about his workers. 
The only good thing that happened is that every single miner who was trapped made out of there alive, thanks to the team work and the team effort.  They showed a lot of courage and control, they worked together to make it out and see their families once again.
Their courage and team work they showed should make us think that the best think to survive, not just in a tragic accident but in our everyday lives is that, the work we should do every single day; work together, help each other, be a family, a real family, and be united as one.

Martha Mtz.

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