jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010

What would happen if one of your friends insisted that you and him/her both go and get pierced together?

I would decline the petition. Piercing my own body is something that I don't want to do, even if a friend asked me to do it. I would talk to him/her about my reasons of not doing this, but that if she/her really want to have a piercing, then I will be on his/her side the moment he/her acquires it.

Having a piercing can close you some roads or ways in your life, depending on the life path you have chosen. For example, the actual society's thinking still is very close-minded; so close-minded that if an employer see a potential employee with a piercing or a tattoo or anything that would mean "taboo or immoral", the employer would simply pass from that potential employee, even if the employee would be the perfect worker.

Through this same reasoning, I would try to talk first to my friend about the situation, but if he/she really want this, well then nothing more can be done, but getting the piercing. I am not against piercings, indeed I think that is something that each person should decide on their self, after all is their body not the body of the society. Little by little all of these stuff, about piercing and doing tattoo, are being accepted by the same society and old-thinking is being removed. Some day seeing people with tattoo and/or piercings in the work or in the street will be a complete normal thing, but maybe there will still be some rules in work like not wearing flashy piercings and tattoos, in order to maintain a certain order.

As a final answer to my question, I wouldn't have a piercing, maybe a tattoo, but first I would think about pros and cons about this action before doing it, about what I want for my future, and if doing these doesn't interfere with my plans.

Ramiro V.

2 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

You are totally right about the job discrimination, i don't find it fair that a tattoo or a part of your body pierced can stop you for getting a job even if you are completely qualified. This is something that the society must get through & start accepting the trends that are being used among the society.

English211 dijo...

About this specific topic I shall say that I experienced it. My best friend and I decided to go together because both of us wanted to get pierced. We were younger and probably didn’t understood that for us, was merely a fashion challenge we were ment to accomplish. That event definitely got us closer as friends.

Now a days we both remember the situation and laugh about the lack of responsibility we experienced, we grew up letting fashion to challenge the way you look, the way your body looks.

Anna B.

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