martes, 26 de octubre de 2010

Chilean Miners

The last two months the world's eyes were setting in Chile, because 33 miners were trapped underground at San Jose mine around 700 m. They got trapped when a rock above them colapsed.

At the begining when the world recived the news everybody was thinking about the hard and complicated wokk that would be to rescue them (almost impossible), I remember when the rescue operation's chief said "to rescue them alive is going to be so difficult and it will take around 4 months", that was the scenario on Agust 5th. It was a tragedy history but soon it became to a faithful history, because the miners were working for surviving, the government and the society were working togther in order to rescue them, alot of people was praying, and we saw when we are working for a common goal and don't pay attention about our differences we could achive the most difficul or impossible goal and transform it in a miracle.

They had lack of resources, but they know how to use those resources and work as a good team, we should learn from them and start working together for finishing a lot of problems that we have as society, like the public safety, that is not only the government liability it si also ours.

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