lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010

Yesterday: Overalls/ Today: Suits

What happened in Chile 14 days ago for a lot of people meant a miracle. A group of 33 miners survived a 2-month challenge trapped 600 meters underground in Atacama Desert. But, are miracles real?

This tough experience for the group of 33 miners probably is the best thing that could ever happen to them.  After the group was rescued they came back to reality together with fame.

A $500 dollar pair of Oakley sunglasses and 1,188 job offers were one of the many surprises waiting for each miner at the top.  Vacations, free tickets to Real Madrid and Manchester United matches, trips to Graceland, football signed shirts, book and movie proposals are one of the many deals for each man.

I believe that waiting under a mine for 2 months, making 33 new friends, getting to be on TV and being rescued by the president of your nation; WAS DEFINITELY WORTH IT.

Anna B.

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