lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010

Chilean Miners


How was possible to rescue 33 miners in Chile, but in Mexico nobody survived to the Pasta de Conchos mine disaster?

First, I can't believe how 33 miners stood the warm during 2 months underground, with scarce resources like some tuna cans, water and some others. Some miners were ready to die, because being " in the hole" is not easy as the people think about the situation. The incident is the proof that working as a team, the reward is as much bigger as you think, like this case, the opportunity of living again with their families and the sooner intervention of the authorities too.

If you analyze the Mexican situation as the mine Pasta de Conchos in Nueva Rosita, Coahuila,  where nobody survived to that catastrophe because the government didn't act on time and the consequences of the missing intervention was proved with the death of the mexican miners, but as we know in Mexico nobody is the guilty for some accident and everybody is avoiding the payment of everything.

The Chile government established that is going to check if the owner of the mine took care about the security methods for the miners, and if he don't, applying the law with strict punishments and/or pay the medical services for the 33 miners because it is a risky job and their lives was in some point so close to the death.

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