lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010

The uncertain future of Chilean´s miners

After the incident in which we already know and according to the psychological consequences that miners could have as cindy said I would like to comment the plans that government and Chile has for its miners, Book and movie deals are expected which could be the reason for their reluctance to share information.

Rescued miner Victor Segovia took notes that could become a manuscript about the experience. And stated that they are going to publish a book they have an outline with 33 chapters based on what Victor kept.

The formerly-trapped workers have been showered with job offers and gifts, including free vacations to Jamaica, the Greek isles and Elvis Presley's Graceland mansion, as well as invitations to European soccer matches.

One of the miners Ticona, had a heartbreaking situation his third child, "Esperanza", or Hope, was born while he was trapped below. He and others released from the hospital were showered with confetti as they arrived home on Thursday and Friday to jubilant cheers of family and friends.

Jamaica invited the miners, their spouses and the rescuers who brought them out of the mine to all-expenses paid vacations on the Caribbean island. Edison Pena, an Elvis fan and the 12th miner to reach the surface in Wednesday's rescue, received an invitation to visit Graceland in Memphis, Tennessee.

So far theirs has been a remarkable story of perseverance in the face of unimaginable adversity. The 33 miners have assumed different roles and structured their daily lives around specific tasks to maintain a semblance of normality. They’ve also been able to talk to loved ones, send letters and even enjoy video of a live soccer game and in the case of Ticona they had the recording of the birth of his daughter, Esperanza.

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