martes, 19 de octubre de 2010

Piercings and jobs

If I were an employer and someone with a pierced face wanted me to give him/her a job, my reactions will depend in a lot of factors; the first one I think is the kind of job, because depending on this, the person with a pierced face could affect or not the reputation of the company. It will be a really bad idea to hire a high position manager with a pierced face, because for instance he will be the image of the company.

Other factor to take on account is the kind of industry you are in, for example, if you are hiring someone for a company focused in the market niche of young people (like MTV), it could be ok; but in the other hand, if you are hiring someone for a company focused on the market niche of adults, or outsourcing services (like Pricewaterhouse Coopers), it would be bad for the company´s reputation.

Finally, I think is pretty important to take on account the polices and requirements the company may have for the position, because even if you think the pierced face will not affect the employee´s performance, you as an employer must always follow the rules imposed by the company.

Cindy R.

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Felipe López Cano 5Yi dijo...
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Felipe López Cano 5Yi dijo...
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Unknown dijo...

I agree with you, every person that works in a determined company, reprensents and acts as the image of the same, it really depends of the tyoe of the company, the nature of the job and the internal set of rules of each company

Iv. Espinosa

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