lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010

Chile Miners

Being more than 2 months underground must be tough and difficult. In my opinion, each and every miner down there were quite brave for the task of surviving that long time.

Why brave? You could ask me. Well, following orders may seem easy, but following orders that change your lifestyle is somewhat difficult. The miners had to change their way of living in order to be ready for the time they were going to exit the underground trap, and also what they ate, their eating habit needed a change, so they could distribute correctly the food for everyone.

Yes, it sound as a piece of cake matter, but what happens when you get isolated from the world? During isolation a person can get mental problems, like hallucination and getting crazy or something like that. Any mental problem could have been a serious problem for the survival of the whole group.Why? The reason is because these kind of behaviors can be contagious, fear can move as a virus and create destruction in a group of people.

For their fortune, there were specialists on this matters down there. Surely various of the miners needed help for  their psychological problems.

What surprises in the end is the cooperation from everyone, and by everyone I mean everyone in the underground and everyone in the upper part of the Earth. Outsiders and insiders helped each other and worked like a single being, in order to search the well-being of everyone. These kind of situations is what unites everyone, the common objective.

I am happy that the miners could get out of the hole and rejoin with their familiars. Also, happy for the mutual cooperation of everyone near the Chilean miners for their rescue.

Ramiro V.

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