lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010

Why did the articles from the chillaean miners became so visited?

During the past weeks, we have beeen listening and seeing  the newspaper a lot of information constantly updated, about this 33 men that have been relased about a week ago, after have been traped for more than 60 days.
I think that it is natural that people tend to support each other in circumstances where the participation of citizens is required, the new was spread easily because of the new technologies to obtain information, and it kept the people interested because of the particular level of uncertainty.
Miners have obtained fame and excellent offers to publish the things that they have lived or to obtain interviews about their thoughs, and feelings after this, I think that certainly their lifes have changed; the disaster in the mines now is compared with the accident of the survivers in the alpes, because of the publicity it has obtained; it has been mentioned that a book might be written by one of the miners, and that they have spoken about an arrangement about what can be told or written, and what would be kept away from the comunication media, also there are rumors about a movie that captures the conditions in which miners work.
I think people show interested because is a topic we all feel certain kind of connection, we all were expecting they can be relased, and at the end it is a intersting story to tell and even more because it is real.

Alejandra P.

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