domingo, 24 de octubre de 2010

We are out… now what?

A little bit less than 3 moths ago, 33 Chilean miners got trapped in a mine after this one collapsed. They were stuck in there for more than two months just waiting to be saved, waiting to see their families, waiting to continue with their lives, waiting to get out. After drilling a path into the cave where they were, every miner got out of there alive. Chile was in joy, the struggle of the miners of staying alive had finally ended; they came out and saw life again. But what will happen after this? Will their life goals remain the same after facing death? Will they quit working for the mine industry or will they take this accident as a way of a higher commitment to their job?
In my opinion the miners should live their lives to the fullest, take this experience as a wake up call. Life can end in a blink of an eye so fight for your dreams, reach your goals, live your life.

Luis N.

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