miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010

What would happen if all of your friends have a pierced face except for you and they all told you to go and get one or leave your friends?

Probably I would leave them, and then I would look for better friends. I disagree with the idea of “friends” who ask you to do things you don’t want, in order to become part of a group, or be accepted by someone as a friend.  People who really like you, or love you, accept you as you are; and they don’t judge you by the things you do not like or the things you disagree with.
I personally think that the best groups of friends are the ones which hold people with different characteristics and personalities, because they learn from each other, because they learn tolerance, and as a consequence they learn that diversity is good since new ideas are generated, and things they didn’t knew about others or maybe about themselves are discovered.  
Will I judge someone who has a piercing? No, since no one should be judged by his or her likes –as long as they do not affect me personally- . Will I let someone judge me by what I like? No, because people who ask for tolerance should be tolerant first.
To finish, I’m posting a little piece of a lyric that my mind brought as I was writing  :

“Come as you are, as you were, as I want you to be, as a friend….”    Come as you are, Nirvana.
My best wishes for all of you. Michelle.

3 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...
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Unknown dijo...

I agree with you, no friend has any right of telling you what to do or what to wear. Today is a piercing; tomorrow it may be drugs or stealing. You have to be clear in what you want and don´t let anyone tell you what to do. I am not saying that having a piercing is something bad, the bad thing here is doing something you really don´t want to do. In bad conditions you could even damage your health because of the piercing, so I think, it should be a decision you must take by yourself.

Cindy R.

Felipe López Cano 5Yi dijo...

I'm strongly agree with you, I know that is culture, but not ours, so all that we can do is just to accept what the people do or think, instead of be in trouble to discuss for weird thoughts like a piercing.

Felipe L.

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