miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010

What would happen if you were to come home with a piercing, how would your parents react to this?

As we know, the answer to this question would be different, depending of the perception of parents. Why? Because there will be parents like mine, that I don't how they react about that, even I don't like the idea to have a piercing on any part of my body, but as I said before it depends family-to-family. So, in my case I prefer not to think of this kind of things and it's better not to have troubles with my family for a stupid thing that it doesn't worth it, like a discussion, a complot or something like that.

Also, there are families that say "OK, I don't care", but as the way I perceive the things if you look so good with a piercing why your parents says I don't care, if your parents are looking for your welfare and check what the best for you is.


Felipe C.

Few things are harder to put up with than the annoyance of a good example.
Mark Twain

1 comentario:

English211 dijo...

If i were to come home with a piercing in any part of my body my mom would just yell at me like crazy, but them she would not be able to nothing
more. But i would never get one, just by thinking on the pain scares me getting one.

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