miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010

Are piercings o.k? If a person has a piercing, in your opinion is this acceptable?

Talking about piercings is an open and subjective topic. A lot of factors might be involved such as religion, culture, family beliefs and social rules. To start with my opinion I shall say that nothing is wrong or right in the following information.

I do judge people with piercings.
Sometimes I have rejected people because of them, or because of the aspect they reflect by having them. I do know this is not fare because you can’t judge people by how they look like but because of who they are; but unfortunately this might affect the way I relate with others.

Having a piercings is informal, young people likes going against the rules and because of it they might challenge authority with this actions, considering religion, piercings are  is not allowed, family members reject every idea about them and social rules now a days prohibit piercings.
I consider piercings unacceptable eventhough I have one.

In case you still want to get a piercing check the following video:

Anna B.

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