sábado, 23 de octubre de 2010

How to stay trapped for 33 days underground without losing your mind?

One thing I always asked myself about the Chilean miners was: how can they stay mentally sane for that long, while been by their selves 33 days underground? Making a little research on the internet I found some interesting information about it.

Alberto Iturra Benavides, the recue team´s psychologist, informed to the newspaper that the miners had prayer sessions twice a day, also they talked to a psychologist twice a day; all this with the objective of helping them to remain mentally healthy. Other interesting point is that they saw television shows for 13 hours each day; they saw movies like “Troy” and “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”. One thing that the psychologists were really careful about was that the movies were only comedies and action movies, because if the miners were only watching sad movies, they could get depressed.

I think it´s really important to take care of the mental health of the people who suffer an accident, because usually people only concerns about their physical heath, but mental health is also a pretty delicate subject.

Finally, I have to say that the actions of the Chilean government where really good, they did their best to take care about the miners’ physical and mental health.

Cindy R.

1 comentario:

Felipe López Cano 5Yi dijo...

It's one of the things that I can't believe yet, how these people could stand the heat of a place without any kind of conditioning, without watter and just praying.

I think the faith was the help for them, without pass to another theme, their religious faith made possible to survive so much days, in a literally way, in a hole.

The Chile's government acted on the best way a country could do it, but if you talk about Mexico, as we can see, no miners survived like the miners of Pasta de Conchos, which we never knew something before the incident

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