martes, 19 de octubre de 2010

Could relationships survive piercings?

Personally I think relationships are a very complex topic to discuss about, every relationship is different it depends entirely of both individuals, in the previous knowledge they have of each other, in the implicit trust and affection they have for their loved one.
If it were me I would be really honest with my boyfriend, even if a don’t have a prejudice against people with piercings I can’t be forced into make me one, everyone is free to take their own decision and if my loved one decided to have one, he has his own right to do it, the case is to being open and have a honest relationship.
How could I react to this situation, well I think that before dating someone you must really know each other before hand, to know if you are compatible, to know their likes, dislikes, the way they see the world, so I think you can´t be surprised if your boyfriend or girlfriend tell you something like this, maybe you could be surprised but as you know him or her, you can have the certainty that something is wrong so you must investigate and question their sudden motivation and either way help out, accept and encourage, or even rethink about the things you really know about him or her.

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