jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010

In India women have piercing because of tradition and religion but in the west it’s because of fashion. What is your opinion about the difference between people who pierce because of their religion and someone because of fashion?

Uncounciously we all live under a set of rules or accepted terms, we lived under own terms and following the things we believe in, those things can define us; in other words we have been programmed in many different manners, following and having as a basis many different sources, we are what we been told, what we have acquired from the people we have met during our existence, we are influenced for what we have been told or for the things we have experienced. 
We can not evaluate or rate which of the reasons that move people to do somenthing are more powerfull or more conveniant, which ones are superficial and which ones have deep reasons to exist, these reasons as well as many others, have been created by each person from a constant influence of society and our personal adoption of culture.
In my opinion does not mater the reasons to pierce you, but matter that it goes according to your personality, if you have decide it with no pressure and for own will, then it is more likely to be a good decision, no matter if you are following influences from religion or fashion, at the end it is your decision which gives to a pierce meaning and importance.
Alejandra P.

1 comentario:

Unknown dijo...

It is true that is all based on your decision wether to pierce some part of your body or not, but when it comes to religion you cannot back down, you have to follow the rules that they impose you & you have to respect them. In this particular case, it's not for you to choose if you want to get pierced, if your religion tells you to, well, there's nothing to do about it.

Luis N.

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